Congratulations to Agam Singh Khalsa. He was named the coolest kid at Miri Piri Academy in Amritsar by the GCA this week. Have a great year.
Just how can a chimney sweep benefit you to prevent this particular scary scenario? There are few things as scary as returning home and finding a wild animal in your house. It occurs every day, but is easily avoidable. It's spring, the time of year that a great many critters become activated after hibernating , or just taking it slow for the winter season. These animals roam all around searching for an easy food score, but when they get onto your house it can help make trouble for you that won't be easy. Squirrels are especially good at scaling and can easily jump on your chimney. Without a chimney cover, you may be in for trouble.
The moment the squirrel is suspended down into your chimney flue smelling for treats, bad things will start to happen. They crawl further and further down the flue pipe, drawn by the alluring smell of human food. They put their front paws into the chimney flue keeping their back paws on top. But often they simply go that one inch too far and so they can't get back up. If this happens then you've got a flying squirrel, although not the type you choose. The little critter will drop all the way to the bottom and land on top of your damper door. Since the flue pipe can be so slippery, wide and long, there is no way for the squirrel to return to the top. He's going to either go to squirrel heaven or, if your damper has been left wide open, may get out into the house. Not good This may be the perfect time to phone the best chimney cleaning company you can find. This is a good time to call the best chimney cleaning company you can locate.
So now the little monster is in the bottom of the flue pipe, up on top of the damper. He really can't climb up the chimney given that the sides are very slippery. Also he isn't big enough to reach from one side of the chimney flue to the other to propel himself up. So at this stage with no fluids or sustenance, it's probable he'll die there. Soon after the smell will start. It fills the house with that very bad scent but you can't seem to find out where it's originating. There is another outcome in which the little fuzzball gets out into the house through an open damper. A squirrel in the house is never a good thing. These little destroyers are capable of doing thousands of dollars in damages, I have seen it with my own eyes. Once again, a experienced chimney sweep company will be able to take away this problem well before it gets started!
There are many other types of critters that can also wind up in your chimney and may die there. Birds, ducks, flying squirrels, raccoons, are some instances. Raccoons will often actually create a nest in there. It is a protected environment as far as they are concerned. Hardly any other animals might get to their cubs, so to them it’s just like a fortress. As long as you don’t light a fire and suffocate them, causing an even worse smell. They must feel you are an exceedingly nice person to build them such a beautiful home for them. They are able to stay for weeks and depart whenever they want. In the meantime, just hope they don’t find the odor of your meal unbearable to resist, and come in through an open damper.
Mengenai Saya

- Stephens
- Practiced in the art of consulting about jump ropes in Ocean City, NJ. Had a brief career selling puppets in New York, NY. Spent childhood testing the market for fatback in Naples, FL. Practiced in the art of testing the market for crickets in Cuba. Had some great experience consulting about bongos in Jacksonville, FL. Uniquely-equipped for researching barbie dolls in Prescott, AZ.